Reproductive Technology: Every Chance to Have a Baby Matters

Many couples who dream of becoming parents have difficulty getting pregnant. Modern reproductive technologies are the most effective way to fulfill your dream.

Assistive technology for childbirth was first used in the late 1970s. From this time until today, thanks to the development of reproductive medicine, more than 5 million healthy babies have been born.

What is Reproductive Technology?

These techniques come to the rescue when you can't conceive a child independently. These infertility treatments include:

  • insemination;
  • in vitro fertilization;
  • programs using donor gametes;
  • surrogacy.

All these reproductive technologies give parenthood a chance for couples diagnosed with infertility. Children born thanks to modern techniques are no different from babies conceived naturally. Moreover, in some situations, reproductive technologies can minimize the risk of inheriting chromosomal and genetic pathologies from parents.

How do Reproductive Technologies Work?

Auxiliary methods are used if a couple cannot become pregnant within a year, subject to regular unprotected intercourse. Before choosing a technique and evaluating the chances of success, both partners undergo multi-stage diagnostics and laboratory tests. For example, a fertility doctor analyzes a woman's hormonal background and a man's spermogram, assesses the endometrium condition, the fallopian tubes' patency, and much more.

What do We Use to Improve the Effectiveness of the Program And Prices

Studies of genetic factors of spermatogenesis - determination of the chromatin fragmentation index - HALO- or TUNNEL-tests, FISH sperm.

Price - $350

IMSI is the choice of the morphologically most complete spermatozoon using a specialized computerized system for the morphological evaluation of spermatozoa

Price - $270.

Laser hatching is a micromanipulation performed by an embryologist to incise the shell of the embryo to facilitate its implantation in the uterus.

Price - $120.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis with DNA extraction from embryonic cells and complete evaluation of its genome. Choosing only healthy embryos for transfer to the uterus increases the success of IVF. Up to 80% of embryos participating in IVF undergo genetic diagnostics.

Price - $80.

Era test - determination of endometrial receptivity - transfer of embryos to the uterus in the IVF cycle at the optimal period for the uterus to be most ready for acceptance/implantation of the embryo (implantation window).

Price - $280.

Vitrification (cryopreservation)

of oocytes, embryos, sperm and their storage in our cryobank. The Cryobank can store both its eggs, sperm, and embryos, allowing you to postpone the ART program without compromising their quality, as well as donor ones.

Price - $110.

The use of PRP technology - platelet-rich own blood plasma, to improve the properties of the endometrium.

It should be noted that many institutions now use single-blood centrifugation. But this approach does not allow for achieving the required concentration of platelets in plasma, and therefore PRP therapy does not give the desired effect. We have our hemocorrection department with modern equipment and highly qualified staff, which makes the procedures really effective.

Price - $90.

Sperm cleaning is used for couples where the partner is infected with HIV, hepatitis B, or C. A unique technology for cleaning sperm from viruses before IVF protects against transmission of infection to a woman and fetus, allowing a virus-positive man to become the father of a healthy child to keep his wife healthy.

Price - $310.















Hinsdale Center For Reproduction
121 North Elm Street
Hinsdale, IL 60521-5907
(630) 856-3535

All Rights Reserved Copyright 2021 Hinsdale Center for Reproduction